Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Little Me Time

So one of my favorite things to do is to look at each week. I don't remember every week but sometimes it makes for a few mins of fun. The concept is that people send in a secret written on some picture found in a magazine or anything they think describes their secret and they send it in on one side of a postcard to the owner of this blog. Then each Sunday he posts new secrets. I've submitted a few myself but never made it on... *disclaimer, if you're going to look at it, some may be inappropriate, quickly move on to the next* I thought this one this week was hillarious and is soooo something I would do. It's like living your life in a movie, its fun, trust me! So, just a quick post not involving Jerusalem to share this awesome secret of my long lost best friend somewhere out there!


  1. We're having a postsecret party this weekend! I wish you could be there! Miss you love you!!!

  2. dude... so did you ever think about slapping me?
