Thursday, February 19, 2009

Freaky Friday

For Friday the 13th last week we decided to have a freakfest party here at the Jerusalem Center. As ya'll hopefully know by now, my roommates and I dominate at any dress up events. We got really into this whole scary party and our room transformed into the dressing room fit for Guns & Roses. I did the hair and Moon did the makeup. I'm pretty certain there is a hole in the ozone layer above our bathroom due to all the areosol used to create hair masterpieces. My best work was Suzie Skinner's mullet. David Bowie would have been proud. I dressed up like a dead baby doll... and I was pretty creeper. It was AWESOME! My lifelong goal of being a creepy rocker was fulfilled. The black lipstick was my favorite part. The dance party was pretty fun but nothing beats dressing up for it! Friday the 13th is my new favorite holiday. I love JC parties!!!!

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